Black Bean Brownies {Gluten-Free}

black bean brownies

OK…I have to admit, the thought of black bean brownies completely disgusted me when I first heard of them. Brownies made of black beans…. really?! That just does not sound appetizing. When I think of black beans, I think of Mexican food…not dessert! Don’t get me wrong, I love black beans. It took me forever to try a black bean brownie recipe, because I convinced myself they were going to be gross and I would just end up tossing them out. I don’t have a gluten allergy, so I don’t usually tend to go out of my way to look for gluten-free recipes. After realizing I have been eating so much flour lately, I thought it would be fun to try to make gluten-free brownies, you know, just to see how they would come out. I have to tell you, I have not been so surprised by a recipe in a very long time. I promise, I could not even tell they were made with black beans instead of flour…it is incredible! You really can’t tell. The only difference between these black bean brownies and the brownies I usually make is that the black bean brownies do not seem to be as “fudgy” as regular brownies, but more cake-like. At least that is how this recipe tends to turn out. If you leave out the baking powder, I feel like they would turn out a little more fudgy, but I haven’t tried doing that yet. Would you ever try black bean brownies?? You may be turned off by the idea now just like I was at first, but someday you may want to try them out – you might be as surprised as I was, and they are healthier for you too ๐Ÿ™‚

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4.9 from 11 reviews
Black Bean Brownies {Gluten-Free}
Prep time
Cook time
Type: Dessert
Serves: 9
  • 1 can black beans, rinsed and drained (15½ oz)
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 tbsp vegetable oil
  • ½ cup granulated sugar
  • ¼ cup and 1 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • ⅛ tsp salt
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • Semi-sweet chocolate chips for topping (optional)
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. Add all ingredients to a blender and blend on low until all ingredients are well blended (there should not be any whole black beans in the batter!).
  3. Lightly grease an 8x8 baking dish and pour batter inside.
  4. Top with chocolate chips or nuts if desired.
  5. Bake for 25 minutes, until toothpick comes out clean after inserting in the center.
  6. Cool for 30 minutes before cutting and serving (otherwise they will fall apart).
Makes 9 brownies



  1. Erika says:

    Omg! I’m so down with cakey brownies! And black beans! Kristi, you are a genius. This is the first black bean brownie recipe that actually looks like something I would make–super simple and not a crazy amount of added fat/sugar to cover up the taste of the beans. Did you just come up with this recipe spontaneously? I would totally make these tonight if I wasn’t going out of town! Maybe Sunday night ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Jennifer @ Peanut Butter and Peppers says:

    I love black bean brownies, and my family doesn’t even realize they are made with black beans. Crazy!! To get more of a fudgy taste, I use pumpkin instead of oil. Incredible!!! Your brownies look wonderful!! Glad you tried them! It’s fun to make odd goodies and have them turn out good!

    • Jordan says:

      Hi! Do you swap out the oil with the same amount of pumpkin? Looking for a recipe that uses pumpkin in place of oil for black bean brownies… Thank you!

  3. Hotly Spiced says:

    What dark looking brownies and yes, I have never heard of brownies being made from black beans. These look very rich and decadent but they must be good for you too xx

  4. Coffee and Crumpets says:

    Honestly, I’ve never been tempted to make black bean brownies! Like you the thought was quite disgusting! However, your black bean brownies look better than any ones I’ve seen before and since I do watch my gluten intake, I will trust you and try them out, I just won’t tell my kids ๐Ÿ™‚


    • Kristianne says:

      Hi Jazz – sorry I didn’t calculate it out, but I usually reference – just add all of the ingredients up and divide by the servings to get an estimate ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Gayle says:

    They will be fudgier if you use one egg instead of two. Started making black bean brownies back in 1988 then lost the recipe. Glad to have one again.

  6. Jessica says:

    I was so excited to make these, but a little disappointed at what I tasted. the texture is that of a bean puree, and I’m at a loss of what I could do to make the texture not so…. beany? other than that issue, I added some ghiradelli 60% cocoa chocolate chips, and it made it so much more bearable. I’m afraid I have not mastered this seemingly incredible recipe ๐Ÿ™ any new suggestions for me to try out would be so greatly appreciated!

    • Kristianne says:

      Hi Jessica! I’m sorry they didn’t turn out the way you wanted. Did you try the recipe with one egg or two? Depending on how many eggs you use, the texture will change. Also, make sure to blend blend blend – you don’t want any bean pieces left behind!

  7. Shannon says:

    I made them and they were good but not very sweet. I found them to be a little too salty. I think next time i will try leaving the salt out.

  8. Idena Suzanne says:

    I love these, family loves these… especially since I didn’t mention “black beans” until they had eaten the entire pan and asked for more. I use lots of chocolate chips and these turn out rich and very chocolat-ey, every time. I can’t stop making them! So easy, so dangerous for my promises to eat fewer calories. Worth it!

  9. Melody says:

    OMG! I found this recipe last night while putting my grocery list together, thought I would give it a try…. These are THE shat! I am blown away. The flavor is perfect, the melt in your mouth texture is decadent. If I told my gang that black beans were the base, they wouldn’t touch them. My 2 and 4 year old are begging for more though. As for the rest of the family, what they don’t know won’t hurt them. Throw everything in the blender set it on purรฉe, scrape down the sides one and purรฉe again. Thank you so much for this recipe!

  10. Shawn says:

    Thanks for the recipe! I ended up substituting palm sugar and olive oil and it came out great. Also added 1/4c fresh chopped cherries and walnuts. What a treat!

  11. Jessica-Rae says:

    Do u know if it would be ok taste and consistency-wise if I subbed coconut oil for the veggie oil?

  12. Shelly says:

    These look so good and really different, I really want to give them a try! I tried this recipe for healthy gluten free brownies and they turned out really really tasty. Only 120 kals a slice and no sugar! Here is the link if you are interested

  13. Mary says:

    The first time I made these they were terrific! I am trying to avoid sugar so I put walnuts on top, not chocolate chips. They were more cakey than I like, so next time I want to try the pumpkin substitution or one less egg. Have you ever substituted honey for the sugar?

  14. Missy says:

    Do you know the nutritional values for this recipe? If not, that’s okay. Was just curious. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Kristianne says:

      Hi Missy!
      You can go to and add all of the ingredients, total up the calories and divide by the amount of servings. Sorry I do not have it calculated off hand!

  15. Shirley says:

    I really dislike Mexican so the thought of black beans brownies turned my stomach! Then a friend of mine made them and insisted I try it, just a bite she said! All right just a bite, as I rolled my eyes. I was shocked as to how great it was! I’m making some today!!!! Try it you’ll love it! It was so fuggy and chocolatey you cant even taste the beans. I swear!

  16. Lianna says:

    The taste was great, but they turned out really crummy. When I tried to pick them up they fell apart. I waited for 30 minutes too. How do I keep them from falling apart?

  17. Ally says:

    Rookie mistake– I only drained the black beans (I forgot to rinse them.) The bean taste is so strong if not rinsed thoroughly!!! I ended up making a new batch. This time around, they were divine ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you for the wonderful recipe!

  18. erin says:

    My sister in law made this recipe when I was at her house up in BC Canada a few months ago. They were so delicious! I ate them for dessert, and then breakfast and didn’t feel bad about it at all!

  19. Alka says:

    I just made these and they turned out perfect!! I made individual muffin size brownies and baked for about 20 mins. They were awesome!

  20. Sheri says:

    I am pleasantly surprised by the new flour-free, dairy-free baking items I’ve been trying. I tried these and was actually pleasantly surprised. I did sub pureed fruit for the oil, and I really, really, REALLY recommend a sprinkle of coarse sea salt on the top. Oh my heavens what a different that made! Thank you for posting this!

  21. Penney says:

    These brownies are so delicious. I served them to company and they had no idea they were made with beans. I made bean brownies once using a recipe that had too much cocoa and didn’t care for them but your recipe is just right. Love it!

  22. Anonymous says:

    Just made these – they’re great! Any chance I can get a vegetable into a dessert, I’m a happy Momma. Thanks!

  23. Madison says:

    I just made these, and they turned out deliciously. In an effort to make them “fudgier,” I used melted butter in place of the oil and tossed in a handful of chocolate chips to be blended into the batter. The end result had great flavor and a nice texture. Will definitely be adding this to my roster of recipes.

  24. Pam says:

    I tried these brownies today and am really surprised how yummy they taste, with no hint of black beans at all! They do come out a little more “cakier” than I’d like, so next time I will try using just one egg or substituting pumpkin for the oil. Thank you for a delicious and healthy treat!

  25. Melissa says:

    Trying these tonight, but our blender smashed to a million pieces and we have not gotten around to replacing it. Could I throw the beans in the food processor first and then make the batter in a regular stand mixer?

  26. Michelle says:

    Thank you for this recipe! Kids and adults at a dinner party happily gobbled these up and asked for more, without knowing the secret ingredient. First time my picky eaters have ever eaten beans! I will be making these very often. P.S. for first-timers: I made the recipe exactly as she has it here and they came out fantastic with the perfect fudginess level.

  27. Melissa says:

    This recipe is awesome! The brownie turned out perfect and i’m having to restrain myself from eating them all. Haha. You can’t even tell they’re made from black beans at all. Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  28. Jasmine says:

    I am looking forward to baking these tomorrow! I am wondering if it’s possible to use melted dark chocolate instead of the cocoa powder, and if so, how much? Thank you for the inspiration!
    -Jasmine (in Australia)

    P.S. Can I just say, you’re gorgeous! ๐Ÿ™‚

  29. Kristina says:

    If anyone is looking for a delicious refined-sugar-free icing, mix equal parts cocoa, honey, and coconut oil. So delicious! I used just under 1/4 cup of each ingredient for these brownies. Thanks for the recipe by the way!

  30. Janet Wooten says:

    I am definitely going to have to try this! I make chocolate hummus using black beans and it is delicious

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