Papaya Smoothie

Papaya Smoothie

I am counting on you guys to hold me to my New Year resolution of not baking as many sweets. It has only been 3 days of the new year and I have already been tempted to bake sweets. Don’t worry, I have resisted so far! I considered staying off Pinterest for a while because there are just too many delicious desserts on there that scream TRY ME. Of course there are a lot of other healthy recipe ideas on there as well, so I decided to stay on and test my will power a little more.

Smoothies can sometimes get a bad rep for being too sugary and not-so-healthy, but if you make them at home you have all the control. In this papaya smoothie, I used low-fat plain yogurt with no added sugar, and 1/4 cup orange juice per serving. The orange juice adds extra sugar, so you can even skip that and use coconut water, or just plain water, if you want. Over time I have learned to enjoy the flavors of the fruit alone, and now I don’t need to add flavored yogurts or juices to my smoothies at all! 

For a cold slushy smoothie, you can freeze banana and papaya chunks in a bag in your freezer 30 minutes before you make your papaya smoothie. If you are like my husband and prefer fresh fruit smoothies (not frozen), I find it also works with this papaya smoothie!

How are you doing with your New Year resolutions?

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Papaya Smoothie
Prep time
Type: Drink
Serves: 2
  • 1 ripe papaya
  • 1 frozen banana
  • ½ cup plain yogurt
  • ½ cup orange juice
  • ¼ cup water
  1. Slice the papaya in half and scoop out the seeds with a spoon.
  2. Scoop the meat of the papaya into a ziplock bag and freeze for 30 minutes (optional).
  3. Add the papaya chunks, banana, yogurt, water and juice to a blender and blend until smooth.
Makes 2 smoothies




  1. Hotly Spiced says:

    What a lovely smoothie! I do love papaya and earlier this year (whoops – last year!) I did a post about all the health benefits of eating papaya – it’s so good for you xx

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